The house is similar to the shack for sale in Imperial City, but has twice the floor space. It is also a good base of operations if a Thieves Guild member, as Luciana Galena, Thieves Guild fence, lives above.


The Bruma house is a medium sized building with a second floor and a cellar. It can be purchased from Countess Narina Carvain for 10,000 septims if you she has a disposition of 60+ toward you.

The house is bought through a dialogue option, but will not appear while the ‘Lifting the Veil’ quest is active.

The Bruma house is the immediate right when entering the town through the east gate and is a short distance away from Thieves Guild fence Ongar the World-Weary at the Olav’s Tap and Tack.


For 15,000 septims, you can own a luxurious stately Cheydinhal home, in a prime spot, Mages Guild adjacent. Speak to Count And

el Indarys when his disposition is 60+ to purchase.

The main draw of the property is the neatly ordered storage: Crates, barrels, wardrobes, chests, bureaus and shelves, all conveniently laid out on the second floor around the staircase and in the bedroom.

In the end the only solution I found was to use the Fix It uninstaller that Microsoft kindly provide in and then to use Run regedit to purge the Registry of the critical Office Keys. Microsoft office 2000 compatible with windows 7. When I had done this I was able to load Office 2007 successfully, and, after repeating the process to get rid of Office 2007 and all the Keys it puts into the Registry I was able to successfully load Office 2000 and all the Service Releases. The Microsoft documentation gives a lead on this but I didn't take out some of the low level stuff. Now there is a lot of published information about uninstall problems with Office 2007 and 2010 and various simple and more complex solutions, of which I tried several, but still had problems with installing Office 2007. A result!!!6.


‘Arborwatch’ is the Chorrol’s house for sale in Great Oak Place (the place with the great oak), beside the Mages Guild hall. It costs 20,000 septims to purchase, but has three floors in total, including a servant’s quarters and a master suite. The price also reflects the value of Chorrol property, it is one of Cyrodil’s places to be (according to townsfolk).

Talk to Countess Arianna Valga at Castle Chorrol to buy the house. You’ll need a disposition of 70+ as well as a fame of 12+, so you will have to complete some quests beforehand. Successfully completing the ‘A Shadow Over Hackdirt’ quest will help with prices of upgrades as Seed-Neeus (whom you purchase upgrades from) will have a disposition of 100+ afterward.

Imperial City

Located in the Waterfront District, is the Imperial City shack for sale. Unfurnished, it contains a bed and no storage containers. The container outside is unsafe for storage. The shack can be purchased for 2000 septims from Vinicia Melissaeia in the Office of Imperial Commerce.

The main use of the shack is its proximity to the city as well as being useful for avoiding guards if there is a bounty on your head as it is not within the city walls. A character wishing to avoid guards could fast travel to the nearby Dzonot caves and then swim to the shack.


It’s arguable the Leyawin house is worth the 7,000 gold it costs. Situated in the east of town, next to the castle, it’s bigger than the shacks on sale, but still quite dilapidated, especially when compared to the opulent houses of the neighbours.


Speak to Count Marius Caro to purchase when his disposition is 60+. At 3,000 coins more expensive than the Bravil Shack and only slightly bigger, the Leyawin shack is something of a questionable purchase.


Rosethorn Hall is the biggest and most expensive house available in the game. Located in northern Skingrad, it costs 25,000 septims to

buy, from Shum gro-Yarug at Castle Skingrad if his disposition toward you is higher than 60 and you have a fame of 15+.

Rosethorn Hall is initially occupied by Vandorallen Trebatius, but he is behind on his rent when the house is purchased and is ‘evicted’. Rosethorn Hall has four floors including the cellar. Among the upgrades are a live in maid with seemingly infinite supplies of food and drink to present you with,

Buying Houses In Oblivion

I Avoid Them Whenever I Can

So it turns out, 'how to buy a house in Oblivion' is as simple as handing over gold (and sometimes being famous, and occasionally performing an exorcism), you don't even have to go through the documents, though I wonder about the legality of that. I definitely feel less immersed in role playing games when I don't get to look over ye olde lease.